The HAKA-team stands for short and flexible communication between our production plant, the HAKA-team and the customer. To give the full focus on this important topic, we can react fast and provide the production plant and our customer the reliable information about the products or requested customer offer. Depending the information of the customer about there need of the product, we can switch to different production partners in Asia or in Europe.

Start of the process
After receiving the release for production process by the customer, HAKA accompanies the complete process from preparing technical drawings, sample production and the delivery to the final product in the warehouse of the customer. The customer receives a sample production for approval, HAKA will discuss together with the client and separate with the production partner all technical requirements and specification of the product. After this HAKA will release the serial production. The packaging and labeling details are at that time already discussed and confirmed so the customer will receive the best required product. HAKA can provide all important material certificates and test reports, if this is requested.

HAKA’s production road map:

  1. Receiving request from customer for preparing product-offer
  2. Sending offer to customer against the best conditions
  3. Together with customer checking the offer and all requirements and specifications
  4. Start up of sample production
  5. Together with production plant checking the technical requirements and specifications before start up the sample production.
  6. After the approval for release of the serial production by the customer we check together all technical requirements and specifications
  7. Release of serial production
  8. Deliver the products towards the customer
  9. After sales